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The Importance of Using "That" as a Subordinating Conjunction in English Sentences


Why You Shouldn't Skip Using "That" in English Sentences

Dear students learning English in Korea, welcome! Today, let's explore the importance of using "that" as a subordinating conjunction in English sentences. Omitting "that" can sometimes lead to confusion or ambiguity in your writing or speaking. Let's delve into why it's crucial to include "that" in your sentences.

Examples and Activities to Understand the Importance of "That"

1. Example Problem:

Incorrect: She said was tired.

Correct: She said that she was tired.

2. Utilize "That" in Sentences:

Create sentences using "that" as a subordinating conjunction to connect ideas smoothly and clearly.

3. Fill in the Blanks:

Complete sentences by filling in the blanks with the appropriate use of "that."

4. Review and Practice:

Read sentences with and without "that" to understand the impact it has on the overall clarity of the message.

Key Points to Remember

- Clarify Meaning:

Using "that" helps to specify and clarify the relationship between the main and subordinate clauses.

- Avoid Ambiguity:

Omitting "that" can sometimes create confusion or lead to ambiguity in your sentences.

- Practice Continuously:

Regular practice incorporating "that" in your sentences will improve your overall English language skills.

Dear students, remember that little word "that" can make a big difference in your English communication. Practice using it correctly, and watch your sentences become clearer and more precise. Keep up the great work in mastering English!
